Been a busy couple weeks (says everyone with a blog, ever) so let's get right down to it.
Haven't finished the Dead Zone terrain yet but needed to move on to something else for a minute and with NOVA coming up I thought I would get working on the 1850 Iyanden Eldar list I've been sitting on since the supplement came out two years ago. I've never really participated in an organized tournament (closest thing being going to Gamesday 2000 with a few friends in Baltimore and getting owned at one of the demo tables) but if I can get an army done and some games in before the end of July, I was thinking of giving it a go. Still haven't decided between my Eldar or my Orks, both need a lot of painting love.
3 squads of 5 |
Fully magnetized that's 14 magnets per model so 70 magnets per squad of 5. 210 total.
drilling pilots |
the smaller magnets work fine and don't blow out the shoulder |
Got everyone fully magnetized, all the arms are interchangeable thanks to a trick I found suggesting you make something to keep your poles in order. If you think of the connections as interior or exterior magnet (interior in the body, exterior in the shoulder, interior wrist and exterior hand etc) you can keep them uniform.
Mixed up ONE guard's right shoulder so he has his own flipped poles arms and is my test model for paint scheme. He's been based, primed and is half way through painting which I will do a separate post for.
Lastly, I couldn't help but use up one of my jokers already when I saw some Forge World (recasts?) Pyroclasts up on Ebay. I'm planning on starting a 30k Salamanders army as a way of congratulating myself for getting through all the 40k, Warmahordes and Deadzone I have waiting for me.
Having never bought any FW models before I have no idea what the resin is supposed to look like, these are pretty white and brittle. Don't see a FW stamp on them anywhere but also didn't pick them up from anyone who was obviously a recaster so who knows. If you happen to come across this and have some insight, I'd love to hear what you have to say. Either way I got them for a good 20 dollars cheaper than from FW themselves which is always nice, so at the very least I can use them as tests for paint schemes and armor weathering.